- Visite: 2026
08-09-15-16-22-23/02/2024 Ad hoc course
Title: IoT Data Analysis
Lecturer: prof. Raffaele Della Corte - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione (DIETI-UNINA)
Period: 08-09-15-16-22-23/02/2024
Assessment test: 01/03/2024
Credits: 4
By 19th January 2024, participants are requested to join the following MS Teams group:
Once accepted in the Teams group, students have to fill the following .xlsx file with their
information (i.e., Student name and surname, e-mail, name of the PhD course, PhD cycle):
The course is conducted on-site. However, students pursuing their PhD period abroad (for
research purposes) have the option to request remote attendance for classes via MS Teams.
For information: Prof. Raffaele Della Corte (DIETI, UniNA) – Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.