(Data di inizio: 01/11/2023; per coloro contrassegnati dalla nota (*): 29/12/2023)
(Start date: 01/11/2023; for those denoted with (*): 29/12/2023)
Dottorandi ITEE 39° Ciclo - ITEE PhD Students 39th Cycle
Training Research and Activities Report (TRAR) Year End Presentation (YEP) |
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PNRR - DM 117 Missione 4 - Componente 2 - Investimento 3.3 Dottorati innovativi CUP: E66E23000580003 Azienda partner: MASIFRAN s.r.l. Nr. of months in company: 9
BOCCIA Maurizio |
SALONGA Karrel Rofel (Masifran s.r.l.) |
Optimization and data science techniques supporting logistics problems | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
2 | - | DE TOMMASI Gianmaria | CARANNANTE Giuseppe (ITER) | Development of the control system for gyrotrons of the ITER Electron Cyclotron (EC) system | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR Centro Nazionale CN5 National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC)
LIPPIELLO Vincenzo | Control of hybrid aerial-amphibious drones capable of flying and navigating | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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SANTINI Stefania | Modeling for ADAS applications in virtual driving environments | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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ADAS virtual prototyping via component-based and model-based toolchains | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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- | ROMANO Simon Pietro | Advanced security methodologies for proactive simulation, detection and response to targeted attacks | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR Partenariato Esteso PE14 "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" CUP: E63C22002040007
CAPOZZOLI Amedeo | Analysis and Design of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR Partenariato Esteso PE14 "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" CUP: E63C22002040007
BIFULCO Paolo | Innovative sensors and telecommunications for telemedicine | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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FORESTIERE Carlo | Inverse design of multiscale metalenses | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis.: I.3.4 Dottorati Transizione Digitale CUP: E66E23001030002
RUGGIERO Fabio | Servizi di mobilità intelligenti, sicuri e sostenibili per veicoli connessi | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR - DM 117/2023 Missione 4 - Componente 2 - Investimento 3.3 Dottorati innovativi CUP: E66E23000580003 Azienda partner: FEV Italia s.r.l. Nr. of months in company: 12 (6 in Italy, 6 abroad)
ROMANO Simon Pietro |
MERCURIO Giuseppe (FEV Italia s.r.l.) |
Analisi e sviluppo degli aspetti di cybersecurity legati alle tecnologie V2X (Vehicle To Everything) e relative ripercussioni sui sistemi a guida autonoma | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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FASOLINO Anna Rita | Exploiting Binary Analysis Techniques for assessing and validating refactored code in Safety Critical contexts | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis. 4.1: Dottorati generici CUP: E66E23001040002
COTRONEO Domenico | Securing Automated Software Development: Trustworthiness of AI Code Generators | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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BARBARESCHI Mario | Sviluppo di tecniche di sicurezza per dispositivi embedded basate su Physical Unclonable Functions | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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BOTTA Alessio |
Understanding and Addressing the Human Factor in Cyber Security |
(End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR - DM 117/2023 Missione 4 - Componente 2 - Investimento 3.3 Dottorati innovativi CUP: E66E23000580003 Azienda partner: CIRA Nr. of months in company: 12
CILARDO Alessandro | GIGANTE Gabriella (CIRA) | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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ENEA (Accordo di programma MiTE - ENEA PNRR Missione 2 Componente 2 Investimento 3.5 POR "Ricerca e sviluppo di tecnologie per la filiera dell'idrogeno")
RICCA Antonio (ENEA) |
Sviluppo di modelli e programmazione di logiche di controllo per l’integrazione di apparati di generazione, accumulo e utilizzo di idrogeno nelle reti elettriche in presenza di risorse distribuite |
(End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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CNR IREA | DE MAIO Antonio | DE LUCA Claudio (CNR IREA) | Sviluppo di algoritmi per la elaborazione di dati SAR acquisiti in banda L | (End date: 31/10/2026) |
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis. 4.1: Dottorati Pubblica Amministrazione CUP: E66E23001050002
CUTUGNO Francesco | Metodologie spiegabili per l’iniezione di conoscenza linguistica e big-data processing all’interno di modelli d’intelligenza artificiale per applicazioni museali | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis. 4.1: Dottorati generici CUP: E66E23001040002
RICCIO Michele | Sviluppo e Ottimizzazione di Tecniche di Edge-AI per Applicazioni di Elettronica per la Salute nella Pubblica Amministrazione | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis.: I.3.4 Dottorati Transizione Digitale CUP: E66E23001030002
COTRONEO Domenico | Binary Analysis for Vulnerability Detection and Mitigation | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR Partenariato Esteso PE14 "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" Spoke 8 CUP: E63C22002040007
TULINO Antonia | Semantic Communication for application-aware next generation networks | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis.: I.4.1 Dottorati generici CUP: E66E23001040002
RICCIO Daniel |
Visione computerizzata per l'analisi delle dinamiche di folle di persone |
(End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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PNRR - DM 117 Missione 4 - Componente 2 - Investimento 3.3 Dottorati innovativi CUP: E66E23000580003 Azienda partner: Open Fiber S.p.A. (*) Nr. of months in company: 10
(*) La borsa di studio cofinanziata da Open Fiber è intitolata alla memoria dell'ing. Salvatore Nigrelli |
DELLA CORTE Francesco Giuseppe |
PARASECOLO Francesca, GRADASSI Fabrizio (Open Fiber S.p.A.) |
Circuiti fotonici integrati per reti ottiche passive |
(End date: 31/10/2026) |
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AVALLONE Stefano | Enhancing wireless technologies to support Time Sensitive Networking | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR Partenariato Esteso PE14 "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" Spoke 4 CUP: E63C22002040007
TULINO Antonia | LLORCA Jaime (University of Trento) | E2E service optimization in programmable networks | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR - DM 117 Missione 4 - Componente 2 - Investimento 3.3 Dottorati innovativi CUP: E66E23000580003 Azienda partner: Grimaldi Euromed S.p.A. Nr. of months in company: 18
SANTINI Stefania |
MURINO Teresa (DII, UNINA) BOCCHETTI Dario (Grimaldi Euromed S.p.A.) |
Sustainable transition towards greener and cleaner Maritime Transport | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis. 4.1: Dottorati Pubblica Amministrazione CUP: E66E23001050002
LO IUDICE Francesco | Controllo distribuito di sistemi complessi e multiagente | (End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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SANTINI Stefania | Vehicle-to-X (V2X) data fusion for cooperative or collective perception (CP) in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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RINALDI Antonio Maria | VEROLINO Luigi | Artificial Intelligence and Big data technologies for digital forensics | (End date: 31/10/2026) |
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UNINA | BIFULCO Paolo | Innovative devices and methods for cardio-mechanical monitoring | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR Centro Nazionale CN4 Sustainable Mobility Center (MOST) CUP: E63C22000930007
DEL PIZZO Andrea | IANNUZZI Diego | Prognostica e propulsione ibrida di veicoli ferroviari | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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Rappresentante degli studenti |
PNRR - DM 117/2023 Missione 4 - Componente 2 - Investimento 3.3 Dottorati innovativi CUP: E66E23000580003 Azienda partner: DigitalPlatforms S.p.A. Nr. of months in company: 12
NATELLA Roberto |
BRACCIOLI Marco (DigitalPlatforms S.p.A.) |
Nuove tecniche di machine learning (e deep neural network) per il reverse engineering di codice binario dai dispositivi (firmware) IoT e la successiva analisi e mitigazione di vulnerabilità |
(End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR Partenariato Esteso PE15 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Tematica 15 SpaceItUp
FINZI Alberto | LIPPIELLO Vincenzo | Learning methods for exploration robotics | (End date: 31/10/2026) | |
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PNRR Partenariato Esteso PE14 "RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART" Spoke 7 "Green and Smart Environments" CUP: E63C22002040007
MAZZOCCA Nicola | Intelligent and Reconfigurable Computer Networks for Smart Cities Applications |
(End date: 31/10/2026)
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PNRR - DM 118/2023 Mis. 4.1: Dottorati Pubblica Amministrazione CUP: E66E23001050002 |
ROMANO Simon Pietro |
Tecniche ‘offensive’ per migliorare la sicurezza informatica delle pubbliche amministrazioni |
(End date: 31/10/2026) | ||
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CIANO Claudio |
- | AMATO Flora | Methodologies and applications of Large Language Models in space engineering | (*) (Start date: 29/12/2023 End date: 28/12/2026) |
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Centro Nazionale CN1 National Center for High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing
Spoke: Future HPC
CUP: E63C22000980007
CILARDO Alessandro | Next-generation High-Performance Computing architectures and programming methodologies | (*) (Start date: 29/12/2023 End date: 28/12/2026) |
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PNRR - DM 118/2023
Mis.: I.3.4 Dottorati Transizione Digitale CUP: E66E23001030002
MAZZOCCA Nicola | Digital Twins for Smart Cities and Digital Societies |
(*) (Start date: 29/12/2023 End date: 2812/2026) |