15-16-22-29/06/-14/07/2022 Ad hoc course
Lectures are online on the University platform Microsoft Teams
Title: Data Science for Patient Records Analysis
Lecturer: Prof. Marcello Cinque - DIETI Department, Prof. Carmela Bravaccio and Dr. Maria Pia Riccio - Department of Translational Medical Sciences - Unina
Period: 15-16-22-29/06/-14/07/2022
Hours: 10
Credits: 2,5
Lectures are online on the University platform Microsoft Teams
MS-Teams Link:
NOTES: PhD Students are requested (starting from Lesson II) to bring their own notebook with Knime installed.
PhD Students with noticeable experience on this Module topics can participate as Tutors.
Participants to the module (including those interested to the Tutorship positions) are requested to send an e-mail to prof. Cinque with the following: Student name, name of the PhD course, PhD cycle.
Info: Prof. Marcello Cinque - tel. 081 7683874 – Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.