23-25-30/01/2024 01-06-08/02/2024 Ad hoc course
Title: Using Deep Learning properly
Lecturer: dr. Andrea Apicella - Dieti - Unina -
Period: 23-25-30/01/2024 01-06-08/02/2024
Assessment test: TBD
Lesson: 6
Credits: 4
The lectures are held in C2A room, ground floor of building #3, via Claudio 21, Napoli
Participants are requested to join the following MS Teams group: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aO83S27sneGGzE6FysYhB3P7OpTu-49maT0JT0RNwL_U1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=dc321d84-072e-4965-95e3-0f0ddc872860&tenantId=2fcfe26a-bb62-46b0-b1e3-28f9da0c45fd
Once accepted in the Teams group, students have to fill the following .xlsx file with their information:
For information: Andrea Apicella, Ph.D. (DIETI, UniNA) – Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.