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Computer architecture
Big Data
Railway rolling stock engineering
Self-driving cars
Aerial robotic systems
Electrical engineering
Entrance to the DIETI department
Plasma Modeling and Control
Artificial Intelligence
Renewable energy

PhD Program in 
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)

34th Cycle (2018)

Positions are institutional or thematic.

Institutional positions (with or without scholarship) are funded by the Federico II University and they have research themes which are defined by the ITEE PhD Board, according to the PhD Board members Research Activities and to the research areas and the list of researchers in the DIETI department, and also according to the research interests of successful applicants. 

Thematic scholarships are funded by public or private companies or research centers on specific projects.


34th Cycle

From 25 to 28 PhD Students to be enrolled, from 20 to 23 with scholarship

List of thematic scholarships. 

Thematic scholarhip

Funding body


Adaptive Multimodal Human-Robot and Machine Interaction (only for reserved positions)  



Improving Reproducibility in Learning Physical Manipulation and Interaction Skills



Phenomenological Approach to Cyber Security based on Electronic Measurements

ST Microelectronics


Cyberphysics and Mixed Reality for Health Telemonitoring in the Industry 4.0 Perspective CEsMA 1

Algorithms and Machine Learning Techniques for Text Mining and Natural Language Processing


Big Data Analitycs and Deep Learning EUSTEMA 1
Computer and Software Engineering CINI 1
Industry 4.0: Storing, Retrieving and Mining sensor data for PredictiveMaintenance AvioAero 1
Networking in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems RISLAB 1
Cooperative Strategies in Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) for the advanced control of ground vehicles in complex traffic POR 1
Data Scientist for Predictive Analytics POR 1
Enabling technologies for continuous monitoring of well-being and healthiness in the agri-food POR 1
Cyber-Physical System for Contactless Fault Detection and Troubleshooting of Electronic Boards (Segugio) POR 1
Development of control techniques for a drone equipped with a roboticarm for inspection tasks in civil and petrochemical PON 0 o 1

TAKEMEHOME: “Tracking and Keeping an Eye on Moving Elderly people through a Hybrid Outdoors-indoors Monitoring Environment”


0 o 1

Next generation of multi-mode trains for clean rail transport


0 o 1


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