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Computer architecture
Big Data
Railway rolling stock engineering
Self-driving cars
Aerial robotic systems
Electrical engineering
Entrance to the DIETI department
Plasma Modeling and Control
Artificial Intelligence
Renewable energy

PhD Program in 
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)

PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis 


The PhD thesis is expected to present original research contributions developed during the PhD studies of the candidate. The thesis, as well as the research work, is developed under the guidance of a supervisor.

The thesis may include previously published work by the candidate, provided that the previously published material is cited appropriately in the thesis and the contribution of the author is clarified. Materials derived from the work of other authors must be properly referenced in the thesis and, if the exact words are reported, these must be cited in quotes.


According to the PhD program regulations, theses are written in English. An abstract and keywords are mandatory, both in English and in Italian.  

The abstract is followed by a list of four to six keywords. To be relevant and effective for indexing purposes, keywords must be chosen carefully.


According to the national legislation, all PhD theses are deposited at the National Libraries of Rome and Florence, where they can be consulted locally. The University takes care of the deposit into the National libraries. The candidates admitted to the final exam must deposit their thesis electronically before the final exam; the University stores and - after the defense - makes publicly available the electronic copy of the thesis through the federated open fedOAtd archive, where all theses are indexed and listed. 

Before depositing the thesis, the candidate may ask the PhD Board - through the PhD program Chairman - to determine restricted access to (parts of) the thesis, possibly setting a time limit, on the basis of motivated needs related to the use of data protected by trade or industrial secrets, according to the current national legislation.


The link to the fedOAtd archive for UNINA PhD thesis (since 2006) and a LaTeX template for ITEE theses follow. 


ITEE PhD THESIS - LaTeX template



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