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Computer architecture
Big Data
Railway rolling stock engineering
Self-driving cars
Aerial robotic systems
Electrical engineering
Entrance to the DIETI department
Plasma Modeling and Control
Artificial Intelligence
Renewable energy

PhD Program in 
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)

Notice of competition issued by DR/2024/2273  dated 30/05/2024  

Notice publication date: 30/05/2024 | Deadline 01/07/2024  - 12 a.m.

Computer application procedure active as of 08:00 a.m. Monday, 10/06/2024

Link to the procedure


[IT] Avviso relativo alle modalità di svolgimento della prova orale  *** NEW ***

[EN] Notice regarding the oral exam procedures


Durante la riunione del 5 luglio 2024, la Commissione giudicatrice ha deliberato di ammettere la modalità di partecipazione remota alla prova orale per i candidati che ne facciano richiesta all'indirizzo email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. entro il 10 luglio 2024 incluso, soltanto per comprovate regioni da dichiarare nella richiesta.

Il link per il collegamento verrà fornito al richiedente tramite email.


At its meeting on July 5, 2024, the Examination Board decided to permit remote participation in the oral exam for candidates who submit a request by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 10, 2024. This option is only available for candidates with documented circumstances which must be explained in the request.

The link for the connection will be provided to the applicant via email.


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